Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Some Stuff Happened

I'm super tired tonight so I'm just going to give you some of the basics. I pumped 18 oz today. That's pretty good if I do say so myself. I pumped 9 on first break, 6 on lunch, and 3 on last break. I think my body is just getting used to pumping and that is why it does so well. Baby is screaming. Gotta go feed him and put us to bed. :)

Monday, August 29, 2011

Oy, Mondays

It's funny but now that I have been getting up at 5 am for 4 weeks, I am not really "awake" until I've had my coffee. I am kind of zombie like until I have my first glass and after my second (I make myself an Iced Mocha every morning for the drive to work) I feel like I am ready for the day. The drive to work was pretty good. I was just really tired today and I don't really know why. I guess I went to bed an hour late last night and then I wore myself out cleaning yesterday (and donating half my shoe collection). Speaking of cleaning, I have such a good little house husband. ;) He did dishes all last week, some laundry, and kept up with the cloth diapers. He kept our place tidy and made me dinner. Finally in the kitchen where he belongs.

Pumping was good today. I think it is just starting out the week pumping that makes me pump a little less than Friday. I only pumped 13 oz today. There is a new woman pumping now at work. She has a 7 week old baby in the NICU. He was born at 25 weeks. She returned to work temporarily so she could have some time with him when he comes home from the hospital. That is so awesome that she is pumping and feeding her baby. She told me she isn't allowed to attempt actual breastfeeding until he is 34 weeks (gestational age). I hope she keeps at it. She said she needs to buy a pump because the one she is renting from the hospital is $60 a month! Isn't that insane??? Pumps like the one she has are between $80-$300. For a little bit more money she could own it and keep it.

Alrighty, ladies and gents. Nighty, Night.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Fridays Are Overrated!

Today started off pretty good. Driving to work was awesome. We hit almost no traffic. I arrived at my CBs house early and she told me to come in. I was able to see the inside of her house and her girls. I have to say that her house looks bigger inside then from the front. It really is deceiving. We left for work and driving went pretty smoothly. You learn a lot about someone when you are in the car with them every day for an hour to and from work. Since we arrived at work a half an hour early again we forgot to clock in. Not that it matters that much but it's just funny that when you are late or on time all you can think about is clocking in and when you're early it's not even on your mind. We got to see what we will actually be doing with all the steps and systems open. We made blind calls to a bunch of numbers. It was funny. My CB was able to understand a man with a heavy Spanish accent and I thought he was talking a completely different language. Guess I have to brush up on my accents a little.

Pumping went well today. I pumped 9 oz on my first break, 4 on lunch and 3 on my last break. We got an hour lunch today so while I was pumping, my friends went to McDonald's and bought me 2 McDoubles. It's still outrageous that they charge an extra $.29 for a piece of cheese. Wendy's gives you it all for $.99. Anyway I was happy that I got another 16 oz today. I think I pump more at the end of the week than at the beginning. I forgot to see if the pumping in the dark helps me pump more. I got more than yesterday when I was in the dark so maybe it has something to do with the end of the week and being more consistent with it. I might try it on Monday. On Fridays I am a little more run down so I don't have the energy to think about that kind of stuff.

Cole had an appointment today and he ended up weighing 22.3 oz and is 28.5 inches. He is growing very nicely and he has only been drinking breast milk. He just started eating rice cereal when I went back to work. The doctor says that we should put him on a veggie or fruit every week now. So he will be eating rice cereal, a fruit/veggie and breast milk every day. They also said he is ahead in his development so I am very proud of him.

Xyler weighs 29 lbs and is 34.8 inches. Of course he is a lot more active than Cole so he has gone down in weight a little. They said that he is very active for a two year old and way ahead of most toddlers his age physically. He is right on track for his communication skills.

My drive home from work was a nightmare. We were paid today so I went to deposit my check in my bank and I then drove to the gas station. My card was denied both at the pump and inside twice. I called my husband and asked him to call our bank. My CB said lets go to a 7-11 to cash her check and the one we went to didn't have that capability. While I was waiting for Anthony to get back to me I figured I would just try to pump at 7-11 and sure enough it worked. When I called him he said he hadn't even gotten a hold of a live person yet. By the time we left Highlands Ranch it was 5:30 and I didn't get home until 7:00 pm. I'm worn out from my long day. I hope my direct deposit kicks in soon so I don't have to worry about that crap anymore. :D

Have a good weekend and I will see y'all on Monday!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

In The Dark

Yesterday was a day like any other. I pumped 13 oz. We learned a lot of information in class yesterday and my brain was fried. I wanted to just veg out and watch YouTube videos last night. About the only interesting part of my day yesterday was there was a firetruck and a tow truck in the HOV lane last night on my way home. Don't know why and don't care but it was interesting to see that.

Today was crazy. We got to work 30 minutes early and there was almost no traffic this morning. We didn't learn quite so much today. Plus it's Thursday which means tomorrow is payday and jeans day. I'm excited to dress down. :) I wonder if tomorrow is going to be as long as last Friday was... Hopefully not. I got the days off I want when I go to the night shift. Friday and Saturday. I think I am the only person in the class that got a weekend day and a weekday together. I'm excited for my schedule. I am also excited to make more money when I finally start my real shift.

Today was the scariest pumping day I've experienced. I get into the room on my first break and just as I got everything set up, dun dun dun..... the lights went out. Okay so it's not that scary but I am a little scared of the dark. This is a secret room inside of a bathroom, mind you, so they don't have back up generators or anything in this room. I felt like I was blind and I had to feel my way to my purse and feel around my purse to find my phone. When I finally pulled it out it barely lit the room up. I grabbed my purse and ran out of the room with the key and left my stuff behind. I ran out to the trainers who were smoking outside and had no idea what was happening. I told them what was happening and they said wait for the power to come back on. Well, the break gets over and still no power (except back up lights and computers). They let me have an extra break and the training manager gave me her iPhone with a flashlight app for lighting. I went in and got the 3 batteries out of my bag and put them in my pump. It required four. I was just about to go ask the front desk (which was a bazillion miles away) for batteries when I remembered they put a clock in the room for me. I took the clock off the wall and put the battery in my pump. Sure enough it worked. So I am basically sitting in the dark and I picked up the phone to see how much I had pumped after a few minutes and to my disbelief there was over 4 oz in each bottle. I think from now on maybe I should pump with the lights out! I have never in my entire pumping life got 8.5 oz in one sitting. That is just craziness. I put the battery back in the clock and set it by my manager's phone. Shortly after I got back to class, the lights popped back on. Then from lunch I pumped 4.5 oz and my second break I pumped 3. That makes for a grand total of 16 oz. That is awesome. I am going to turn off the lights in the room after I get set up tomorrow and see if I get the same results! I know it's crazy but I like to experiment with different methods to see what happens. Yes, I know. I am easily entertained. :D

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Just Another Day

Today was pretty basic. We learned more stuff. Work was work. I'm becoming to good of friends with my carpool buddy and the girl that sits next to me in class. They both picked the morning shift and I picked the evening shift because it's more money. When training is over we won't see each other as much. It will be a lot harder to get together. I really want them to switch to evenings with me but they need the day shift. If the day shift paid more, I would switch to it in a heartbeat. That's probably why the evening shift pays more, though.

Pumping was pretty much the same. I wore a dress that is pretty tight up top and doesn't allow me to it to the side to pump so I was in there with the other woman that pumps turned away from her with my dress up. That makes for an awkward situation. :D I apologized to her but she said she didn't care. I need to go buy some dresses that allow me to stay mostly dressed when pumping. Unfortunately, there isn't a whole lot out there that caters to nursing women. They only have a few styles and only at select places. If more of the clothes had style for a good price there would probably be more women pumping. For those of you who like the numbers, I pumped 13 oz today. It all went into bottles at work and into the fridge when I got home. The bottles are so much easier and if they tip over 99% of the time they won't leak. That statistic might be a little off but so are a lot of statistics. 80% of statistics are made up so it really doesn't matter. :D

Ending on a good note: Traffic was awesome today. We made it home in under 45 minutes! I can't believe that. We didn't stop almost the entire way home! If only traffic could be like that every day. Do you think that half of the people in Denver could be persuaded to move to a different state?? A woman can dream can't she? Until tomorrow my friends. :)

Monday, August 22, 2011

Long Day

I'm sorry I forgot to post on Friday. It was a long day. The drive to work was fine and then the day just sucked from there. It felt like I was at work for 24 hours. Every hour was taking forever to pass and even the trainers were dragging. They wanted the day to be over as much as we did. While pumping, I ran out of bags and use the bottles I use to pump. We got paid and when I got off of work after sitting in traffic for an hour and a half I deposited my check into my bank. I was also sick the last half of the day so I was really not in the mood to sit down and talk about it. :)

Anyway, on to today. My Carpool Buddy and I got to work about 40 minutes early. It doesn't phase us anymore. We just go inside and talk until class starts. Today went by pretty quickly. We learned another thousand systems. Sometimes I wonder why they don't just merge all these systems into one smart system. Maybe my thinking is to technologically advanced. I was a little more annoyed today with a lot of people for some reason. I don't really understand why. Maybe it's what my husband says and I'm just a woman. Our moods change like the weather apparently. Some days I really appreciate the quiet of the Mother's Room because I get away from the constant chatter.

Pumping was really nice today. I only got 12 ounces but I had bottles to put them in today and not baggies. It was so much easier just leaving it in the bottle I pumped it in and just putting a cap on it. I also bought a better insulated bag. I take my lunch in it and then bring the bottles home in it. I don't know why I didn't get as much today. It may have something to do with not pumping over the weekend. By the end of the week I'm usually pumping a lot more.

Mondays are hard. I'm dragging. I need to get a good nights sleep and wake up early. Catch ya later.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Ugh! Traffic!

So my carpool friend and I decided since we were 40 minutes early to work yesterday, that we would leave 10 minutes later and hope we weren't so early today. Well, I picked her up and we got onto US-36 and took the HOV lane. Everything was going swimmingly and then we got to almost the end of the HOV lane and there were a lot of cars stopped in the lane (which I've never seen in the HOV lane. So we waited a while and merged into the fast lane. It was slow all the way to Santa Fe. (Sorry if you don't know the street names but let's just say it was a long stretch of highway. We finally see what is slowing down traffic and it is a huge dump truck just sitting in one of the middle lanes of traffic with his hazard lights on. I was in the lane that was behind him. I go to get out of the lane and the car in the lane next to me is waving me on and a guy from the lane on the other side of him decides he wants to get into the lane I'm getting to also (because he is soooo impatient and wants to get into the very left lane). So we are both halfway in this lane and I stop to let him go and he has the dumbest "what are you doing" look on his face and he just sits there starring at me. I can't go until he does so I motion him like Dane Cook would and say "Fuckin go!!!" Excuse the profanity. He finally goes and then I'm able to go. At this point we still have 40 minutes to get to work so I'm not freaking out too bad yet. We are just praying that nothing else goes wrong because we still have about half way to go. As we pray the traffic slows down again. In the right middle lane (5 lanes) there is a Scion stopped on the highway with 2 cop cars on the sides of her and I don't even know what happened there but the traffic ate up another 15 minutes. Then things are good for a while I hear on the radio that someone ran into one of those cop cars we just passed and was in pretty big trouble. As we are laughing about that traffic starts to crawl again. We are just thinking, "What now??" when all of a sudden one of the signs that usually tells you about construction or weather on the highway now says, "Car on fire ahead, Smoke visible!" and I look and I realize that the big cloud in front of us is smoke from a burning car. When we finally get up to the car, it's pulled over to the side of the highway with 3 fire engines, an ambulance, and a ton of police cars sitting in the middle of the highway. The car pulled over has it's entire front burned to ashes. By this time we are gagging from the fumes. Traffic finally thins out again and we book it doing 80 (sorry cops) to work. We run from the car into the building and clock in at 2 minutes late. By this time both of us realize we had forgotten our potluck items at home.

We sat down and took the assessment. I got 2 wrong answers out of 74 questions. While I was taking the test I realized that one of those questions was wrong but once you answer it and hit submit it takes you to the next question and you can't go back. It doesn't really matter though because I passed and that's all I needed to do. The rest of the day was easy, peasy. Potluck and hanging out.

I pumped all 3 times today and was able to get 13 oz. I ran out of breast milk bags this morning though. I put all 4 oz from lunch into one bag. Then at my last break I put it all into one of the pumping bottles and put the lid on it. When I got home I just transferred it into one of my sons bottles. I just figured out that that would make it easier for my husband in the morning if he didn't have to defrost the milk at 7 am. So I will do that last part from now on.

When we got out to Andrew's car after work we discovered the Pepsi that she had left in the car by accident in out rush to be on time had exploded all over. I don't care who you are, when it is 97 degrees outside that is a hot day. I don't even know what it was inside the car but it smelled really sweet when we opened the doors! :)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Win is for Wednesday!

Today was an awesome day. It was a little sad at first because I had to leave Cole and he was crying for me when I left. After that, though, it ended up getting better. I picked up my new carpool buddy and she told me to take I-70 to I-25 and I said I wanted to try something out. Last night I looked up US-36 and I-25 on the map and tried to see if you could get on the HOV lane from US-36. I couldn't get on the HOV lane from Google maps but it looked like it went to it so I hopped on US-36 and got into the very left lane. It exited onto a road that was all by itself and went under US-36 and around to I-25 and sure enough I ended up on the HOV (carpool) lane. We passed up at least 30 minutes of traffic and passed I-70 trying to merge with I-25 and it was a mess of cars. I was so happy that my plan worked out because we passed up all that traffic. We got to work 40 minutes early today and just sat and talked while we waited for class to start.

All of the exercises and reviews we did today I knew almost all of the answers for. We have our first assessment tomorrow. It's based on the systems and some of the basic terminology. I feel like I'm showing off sometimes because I know the answers to almost every questions she asks so I don't say all of the answers because I don't want to be that annoying girl who knows everything. It's so funny but so true. I've had people like that in some classes and I always find them annoying. Even when I know the answer.

Now to the good part. I pumped more today than ever before and I know I've said that before but this was awesome today. I pumped 15 oz today! 6 on my first break, 6 on my lunch, and 3 on my second break. The last break I was pumping in the room with another woman from my work. She is the one that I met going home last week. She had the Medela pump and was amazed at my First Years pump. She liked how neat and compact it was. We talked while we pumped and I found out that she uses her hour lunch in two shifts to pump. So she has two 30 minute pumping sessions and two 15 minute breaks that she doesn't pump on. I find a lot of people like to do it that way but I can do it in 15 minutes so I prefer the way I do it.

On our way home my buddy and I took I-25 to US-36 and we made it home about 30 minutes sooner than I usually do. I am liking this carpool thing. It's good for the environment, gas cost, and sanity! Happy Sailing!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Happy Birthday to my loving, wonderful Husband!!


I had a good 9 and a half hours of sleep last night. I was very awake and on time doing everything today. I arrived at work 7:30 am. Sometimes I want to take some time from the days that I am early and transfer it to the day that I am running late. Life would be a lot easier that way.

I pumped more today than I ever pumped at work. Are you ready for this? I pumped 13.5 oz. I was so surprised when I pumped 5 oz on both my first break and my lunch and then again when I pumped 3.5 on my second break. Unfortunately, though, one of the 3 oz bags had a hole in it that I didn't notice. It was at the top and it was a deformity in the seal (manufacturer fault). On the way home my insulated bag tipped over and the baggie spilled most of the milk. "Whoever said there is no use in crying over spilled milk, obviously never pumped 3 oz of liquid gold." Anthony told me not to worry about it because he says I'm ahead with our supply by a lot. I know that but it's still frustrating. I spend my breaks pumping food for my baby and it fills like one whole break just went to waste. I will just be more careful with my bag.

On the plus side I found someone to car pool with and we are going to split the gas cost 50/50. She lives about 40 blocks south of me so I will be driving to her house before getting on I-25 from now on. Hopefully, we can take the HOV lane. I get to pick her up at 6:45 tomorrow. We might be early, especially if we take the HOV lane. :D I'm looking forward to that.

Monday, August 15, 2011

My Second Week

I am so tired today. I woke up and I was able to get 7 and a half hours of sleep but I'm still pretty tired. I talked to the woman who hired me last Thursday and gave her Andrew's resume. She set up an interview with him for today. He drove with me and I was able to use the HOV lane (carpool lane). We left at 6:45 and arrived at my work at 7:30. He had his interview at 9:30 am and he sat in the car before and after the entire day. We were able to take the HOV lane home as well. After work we went and looked at these apartments that I found online. The apartment was very nice with a huge walk in closet and an oval bathtub. I'm just so disappointed because when she told us the price, it was over $100 more than what was listed on the website and when I mentioned that she said it was because those were winter prices. That is very misleading because I entered in a select search criteria that would bring up apartments I could afford. That is such a stupid way of getting into lower price ranges. Back to looking through apartments.

On the other end of it, I only got 9 ounces today. I don't know how it went down by so much. I hope it goes back up soon. Maybe I need to drink more water. I wore a dress today and it's a good thing that room is private because I had to lift it basically all the way up to pump. It was pretty funny.

Well, I'm off to bed. Cole and I are going to bed early tonight because I am falling asleep as I'm typing. :D

Friday, August 12, 2011


Let's start the blog off with the worst part... the start. Andrew and Anthony have gone somewhere every night this week. Which means they have taken the keys out of my purse and they weren't there when I went to leave. This morning I didn't think to look until I got out to the car and was already leaving 3 minutes late. I had to come back in and look for the keys. I didn't get out of here until 6:55. "But, Rebecca, that's still an hour and 5 minutes to get to work on time!" Ya. I know. It's nowhere near enough time when there is an accident on Alameda (about half way to my work) and it's back up to 104th (my street) on I-25. I got to work at 8:03 and clocked in at 8:05. Because I left 10 minutes late, instead of taking me 45 minutes to get to work it took me an hour and 10 minutes. Imagine if I had left 10 minutes earlier, I wouldn't have been late. Thanks guys for putting the keys in my purse... *sarcasm*

From there the day did proceed to get better. I learned a bunch of new systems and understood all of them. I got done with all the exercises pretty fast. (before everyone else) I bet they're all thinking, "That Rebecca is such a show off." Hey, I can't help it if I'm intelligent and understand everything I'm learning and also happen to have a WPM of 80. Also, it doesn't hurt to have a working knowledge of almost everything Microsoft. In case all of you were wondering, the answer to your question is yes, I am an excellent "highlighter". :D There are some things in the computer/phone world I don't understand, but I am proud to admit it isn't a lot and it also probably has a lot to do with the fact that I haven't learned it yet. I am a quick learner and I'm glad they gave me the opportunity to show them. Okay, end of bragging about my knowledge.

And onto bragging about how much I pumped today! I pumped 10 ounces again and 5.5 of that was in the first break. For those of you having trouble pumping, I also figured out that if you change the position you are in sometimes you can get more. For instance, I sometimes slouch when I'm feeding my son, but when I pump I sit straight up. Well I slouched like I do when I feed Cole and tada: more breast milk. The clock in the "Mother's Room" (that I requested be put in there) was 3 minutes slow so I have been getting back from break late. I went in there at lunch and set it forward 3.5 minutes so I wouldn't be late anymore. I don't know if you've noticed but I hate being late. I have awesome news: I solved the blue bag mystery. Surprise! I opened it up and do you know what was in there?? It was just a pump. No scary, living, four year old breast milk. :D I am officially pumping an extra bag than my son eats every day! I'll have a back up stock again in no time. Now to increase my supply a little and we will be set! Happy pumping everybody and see you on Monday!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Thank Goodness Tommorrow's Friday

Work went pretty well today. Cole was crying when I was about to leave so I stopped to feed him for a minute to try and put him back to sleep. It made me a little late getting out of the house. I left here about 6:55 and I sat in traffic for a lot longer today. I didn't get to work until 7:50 today. I think I'm just always going to try to be out of here by 6:45 just in case. In total I pumped about 10 ounces today. For some reason I pumped an ounce less at lunch. I took a lot of food to work today and I just couldn't get full. I was hungry all day. Today was pretty good as far as learning goes. I have understood everything we have been taught about the systems that we are going to be using.

Tomorrow we get to wear jeans and I'm so excited. Being a stay at home mom, I got used to very comfortable clothing and dressing up this week has been a huge change for me. Not to mention, I'm still not down to my pre-first pregnancy weight which is what most of my business attire is so I don't fit in all of it... yet.

When I was leaving work today I went to the Mother's Room to get my cooler of breastmilk from the fridge and I met one of the other women that pumps. She was really nice. I told her if she needs to pump and she walks in on me we can just pump together. I'm not shy about pumping with her in the same room. She said the same goes for me. She has a 7 month old baby and the Medela breast pump. She said I'm the first person she has met there that didn't have it also. I just don't see the point in getting a $300 pump when I am only going to be pumping for a little while longer. There is a blue cooler bag that has been in the fridge since I started and she said that it has been in there for years and nobody knows who left it there. She said they are afraid to look inside it. I think I'm just going to throw it away. That seems really gross to me. I sort of feel like her and I and the other "pumpers" are in a secret club together. It's that club that you automatically join when you are doing something important together. I also like to think that I am in a special club of mothers. Once you have given 9 months of your life to a miracle and then give birth to them and raise them, you understand something new about life that you never could see before. Before that, all you can do is imagine what it would be like. It's so easy to talk to other mothers because you have something important in common and you are on this journey together. Okay, enough Hallmark-y stuff. :D

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Today was much better than the last two days. I drove to work at 6:45 and arrived at 7:30. That is a half hour before I had to be there but I wasn't so early that I was bored out of my mind. Skip forward to break. I was so excited to use my new breast pump. I got 1 ounce Monday, 3 ounces Tuesday, and drum roll please.....RLRLRLRLRL (single stroke roll).... I pumped a total of 11 ounces today! 4 ounces at first break from each, 4 at lunch, and 3 at third break. That is almost four times the amount I hand expressed yesterday. I wasn't late coming back from any breaks. I was able to eat whatever I had to eat while holding the two pumps in place with the device that holds both of them at the same time. I didn't have any distractions or pain today during my training class and I was able to provide for my son. I am looking forward to increasing my supply and I think I am going to try getting an extra pump in each day or on the weekends. That's just to get some backup milk going again. If I hadn't had such bad luck the last two days we wouldn't have had to dip into the backup. It would have been immediately replaced by the new milk. I am so glad my mum bought me a efficient work pump. I am not intimidated any more by pumping for the next six months. I may go longer now that I have this awesome pump!!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

What went right today?

Let's see. I went to bed around 10 pm but didn't fall asleep until 12 because Cole didn't want to sleep. I got up at 5:15 today because I planned to leave later. I did all the get ready for work stuff and fed Cole one last time at 6:25 am. Traffic was okay today and I made it to work by 7:10 which I was happy that I was later but frustrated that I was still so early. I played phone games in my car until 7:35 and then went in early and put all my stuff away. I talked with my co-workers and felt significantly better about how the day was going. First break rolls around and I'm excited I have all of the pieces of my pump today. I go to the break room and take all the pieces out. Then I rinse off the pump and turned around to get the cord. When I turn back around, the little purple valve part that makes the pump have suction is missing. I look in every nook and cranny of the room, my bag, my lunch box, everything. It is nowhere to be found. I don't have any time left so I pack everything back up and run back to class 5 minutes late. Again pain is a constant reminder that I didn't pump.

We then go to lunch at 12:30 so I run to my car and drive to Babies R Us right up the street. They don't carry any Evenflo breast pump products at that store. I get back with about 15 minutes left and talk to my trainer. With tears in my eyes (which I made sure to keep there, I'm not weak!) I explained what was happening and asked if I could come back a little late from lunch. Of course she was totally understanding and gave me extra time. I went and hand pumped 2 ounces! 1 ounce better than yesterday from both. Although, I did considerably better, it still hurt and my hands were in pain. On my second break (15 minutes) I pumped 1/2 an ounce.

After getting off work and sitting in traffic for an hour and a half, I went to Target where I bought my Evenflo pump two years ago. I get to the breastfeeding isle and they no longer carry my pump or any of the accessories. Keep in mind I only need a little tiny purple piece to have a fully working pump again. The pump they have there now is bigger than mine and they don't have any accessories for it so I can't even see if the blue piece in it is the size I need for my pump. Again with those same tears welling up I went home and opened google. I went to Evenflo's website and they no longer carried my model number or my accessories. Amazon had my pump for $15 more than I payed for it. My mom calls me and I start to cry. I was so upset. I don't have the money until next Friday to buy a pump and I can't replace the part. There is no way I can hand express enough to sustain my son for another week and a half. My mom tells me to calm down that she is coming to get me to take me to Target. She says she will buy me a replacement pump. Best thing I've heard all day!! We get to Target and she bought me a pump that I can hold with 1 hand and it will pump both at the same time. I now have a pump that will work for tomorrow! Finally something went right. *I love you Mom!!* I just want to let you moms out there know that even though I've had an unusual bad luck streak with my pump, it is possible. Just keep trying! Tomorrow we will see what the day will throw my way. Whatever it is I will face it with a strong heart and a positive mind set. (and possibly a shimmer of tears)

Monday, August 8, 2011

Ta da!

I found all the parts to my pump and put them in the pump bag next to my purse. I am only missing one little piece for one side of the pump that makes it have suction but I can use one pump for both sides until I can get to Target to get another piece for the other side.

First Day!

I woke up at 4:45 am. Everything went great. I ate breakfast, showered, did my makeup and hair and made myself iced mocha coffee. I fed Cole one last time and I left at 6:15 on the dot and it took me 45 minutes to get to work. I even hit 5 minutes of traffic. When I pulled into the parking lot, I was an hour early. I didn't have to even be there until 8 am. I know, though, if there is an accident or you get stuck in a traffic jam, that you have a chance of it taking double the time to get to work. Since I am traveling 40 miles and on such a long stretch of the busiest highway in Denver, I have 40 miles of chances to run into a jam. I'm thinking about leaving at 6:30 tomorrow and seeing what that does to my arrival time. I don't know if I will try leaving any later yet. I will see how much more traffic I run into leaving 15 minutes later. (For those of you that don't live in Denver, 15 minutes can mean a huge difference.)

I decide to go in at 7:45 am. I get in there and I'm the only one with a gigantic bag. The other ladies all have small purses and the guys aren't carrying anything. I know they were all thinking, "What does she need that huge bag for on the first day?" The morning went by fast and we went on a tour of the facility. One of the trainers points out that inside the restroom is another room called the "Mother's Room". I make a mental note and on break (15 minutes) I go there and try to open the door to that room. It is locked so I figure someone must be in there. I hear no noise whatsoever so I go ask my trainer about it and she said she will look into it. One of the other trainers tells me if need be I can take another quick pumping break once they figure it out. Lunch rolls around and nobody has gotten back to me yet. If you are a breastfeeding mother you know what is happening by now. My son eats within 1 1/2 hours to 3 hours every day. It has been 6 hours now. Pain is starting in and I need to pump. I go back to the room. Still locked. I ask a trainer what is happening with that room? She goes off to look into it. The trainer that told me she would look into it this morning, finally comes to me and tells me, "Come with me there is a key we have to get you." I get the key and go in the room. It's ok. It has a sink and a fridge/freezer in there. It also has some chairs and reading materials. I open my bag and I pull out the pump and what do you think happened next?? Yes, I forgot something at home. It was the plug for the pump motor. At this point I'm panicking and thinking, "OMG! This hurts so bad and what if I don't pump for the full 10 hours I am away from my son?? Is it going to reduce my supply??" I think I just need to get my let down working and get a little milk out to tell my body to keep making it. I grab the bottle from my bag and start hand expressing. Boy, is that fun... NOT! I got an ounce total from both. I am not going to win the hand expressing Olympics any time soon. >.< I put the cap on the bottle and stuck it in the fridge. On my second 15 minute break I didn't even worry about it. Yes, I was in some pain, but 15 minutes is not enough to hand express. (for me anyway)

Fast forward to the end of the day. I went to get my milk out of the fridge and it was frozen. I put it in my bag and proceeded to sit through an hour and 15 minutes of traffic. When I got home Cole was peacefully napping on my bed. They say never wake a sleeping baby but I did. He woke up when I said his name. I fed him immediately. Much better. Anthony said he fed him rice cereal today and 3 oz 3 times. Hopefully, pumping tomorrow will go a lot better. I missed my boys. All three of them and I know they missed me even though Anthony says today went pretty well. (except for not having me around to sooth Cole and before he woke up, Xyler put every single clean cloth diaper that I washed and folded yesterday into the dirty diaper pail. Now they all smell. Looks like AJ is going to do some more laundry.) Sounds like we will all crash early. :)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

It's Official

So, they called me back today and said that I officially have the job. I passed the background check and the drug test! There isn't even a reason I would fail either of those but you know my irrational fear is always there. Maybe it stems from the time I applied to be a teller at First Bank and they told me I had the job. I was so excited and then the next day the recruiter called me back and said I failed the credit check because I have some unpaid medical bills. "But Rebecca, that is ridiculous!" you say. Yes, totally ridiculous. How can I start paying back my medical bills if I don't have the money to pay them back? That's where having the job comes in. A friend explained to me that when you have unpaid debt of any kind you're in a statistic bracket of "People who are more likely to accept a bribe to rob a bank". Um ya.... right. I understand I am a statistic, but if anyone would take two seconds to get to know me, they would immediately ascertain that I am not that type of person. When the phrase bank job come to mind, I think of Dane Cook and his bit about pulling a heist. The monkey would be the getaway driver. Oh well, they lost out on a great employee.

In other news I've gone over it a billion times in my head and I keep wondering how all this is going to work out. If I knew what exactly the traffic was going to do and at what time I would be home, it would all be a little easier. Unfortunately, I have to start the job and learn from experience. People are probably going to look at me funny when I walk in on the first day with a huge bag. It will have a pump, bottles, my snacks, lunch, and a few other necessities. I also have contemplated how I am going to make friends. At most of my other jobs, you make friends when you are able to talk to them on breaks and lunches. I wonder if they will think I'm that stuck up girl who never wants to hang out with the training class. Should I just come out and tell everyone I'm pumping? That could be a bit awkward. I've already talked to the woman that hired me about it. She says they have a beautiful area for me to pump and my choice of 5 fridges. Wow! How will I ever choose?

We received the 10 more diapers we ordered and laundry is a little easier now because more time passes between loads. I will tell you that the brand of diapers we are using is iCute. You can get 10 for $45 and no shipping cost on ebay. It is by far one of the best deals out there and I love them! They work really well.

I'm starting to get a bit anxious about going back to work. I am going to miss my babies so much. I wonder how Cole will do without me. He likes Anthony and Xyler but he loves to be with me. I know he'll get used to it, Anthony will have his hand(s) full for the first few days/weeks. He thinks that taking care of two boys will be easier than working. Haha. Boy, is he going to be surprised. *It's not as easy as you think* Taking care of Xyler, the errands, and the house was a lot before Cole came along. I wonder what he will do when both babies are crying at the same time. I'm sure I'll here all about it when I get home on Monday night. I'll let you know how he does. :D

Monday, July 25, 2011

Two Weeks To Go...

I went in to fill out paperwork today. I had to leave at 11:15 to get there in time. I breastfed Cole right before I left and according to my husband, Anthony, he slept the entire time I was gone. I fed him again right when I got home 2 hours later.

I had to take a drug test today. Even though I haven't done drugs and I know that there is no reason for me to worry, I still do. A part of me was nervous. I think, "What if some poppy seeds made it into my breakfast or something random like that could make me fail." It reminds me of the time I had to go apply for temporary medicaid and they needed to give me a pregnancy test at 8 months to make sure I was pregnant. I was afraid it was going to come back negative. O.o Why you say? I have a unnatural fear of failing tests. During both pregnancies I gained almost all my weight in my belly. One look at me and nobody would have questioned the results. I looked like I was smuggling a basketball, I could feel the baby kicking for months now, and yet I was still fearing the results of the test. Don't ask me to explain it because I can't. :)

My husband is a little disappointed because his laundry and cleaning duties are about to increase. We started using reusable cloth diapers and we have more laundry now. I said I would take on the task of washing them every couple days. Now that I have this job, I won't be able to keep up with it all by myself. *Just remember Dear, we are helping to save the environment* ^_^ We just ordered another 10 diapers so we will have a little more time in between washes.

I expect these next two weeks to be pretty much uneventful and calm. I probably need to start packing before I start my job because I won't have much time after that. I wonder how I will feel once I am juggling my work, my family, and breastfeeding. I will take lots of pictures to work with me. :D

Sunday, July 24, 2011

A Little History

My name is Rebecca. I am 26 years old. I have a wonderful husband named Anthony. Together we have two children, Xyler and Coltan. Xy is 2 years old and Cole is 6 months. We also have a "Fur Baby", a calico cat named Leila.

This is my first blog. I am still figuring all this out. ^_^ I read a lot of blogs, though, so I think this will be pretty easy.

I have been a "Stay at home Mom" for the past 2 years. Officially, I have only worked one paid day since 3 weeks before my first son was born. (There is a lovely pregnancy story that I will share later) Unofficially, I have been "working" since he was born. Kids are a full time, crazy, fun job. You never understand how much work goes into raising a child until they are upon you. I love it! My son is starting to talk in sentences and he is 75% understandable. He is also a destructive two year old, so some of his funny, childish happenings might make it into my blog as well as anything my 6 month old does. :D

2 years later, I am going back to work. I am starting a position that is 45 minutes away in light traffic. We will be moving down there in about 2-3 months, but until then I am stuck with the tedious task of fighting through the horrendous Denver traffic. After my 5 weeks of training I will be on a pretty good schedule where traffic won't be such a problem. 2pm-10:30pm. Both of those times are when traffic is usually light and easy flowing. However, during training my schedule is going to be 8am-4:30pm. Both times are smack dab in the middle of rush hour! Leaving early and coming home late might not be such a huge deal, but I am breastfeeding my 6 month old. I plan to feed him until he is at least a year old. I know that I will be able to pump while I am at work but what about coming home. I wonder if I should pump before I get in my car to drive home. I guess that will just come with experience. I start August 8, 2011. I will be going to fill out paperwork at 12:30 tomorrow.

I am so excited to be working again and to have an income to contribute, however, I am really sad I am leaving my children for so many hours a day. I know they will be okay without me while their father watches them, but I know they are going to miss me. I will probably miss them more. A huge part of me craves adult interaction, but my children are my world. This blog will be about my experiences with going to work while continuing breastfeeding and what it is like to be a working mommy.

Wish me luck!!