Wednesday, August 3, 2011

It's Official

So, they called me back today and said that I officially have the job. I passed the background check and the drug test! There isn't even a reason I would fail either of those but you know my irrational fear is always there. Maybe it stems from the time I applied to be a teller at First Bank and they told me I had the job. I was so excited and then the next day the recruiter called me back and said I failed the credit check because I have some unpaid medical bills. "But Rebecca, that is ridiculous!" you say. Yes, totally ridiculous. How can I start paying back my medical bills if I don't have the money to pay them back? That's where having the job comes in. A friend explained to me that when you have unpaid debt of any kind you're in a statistic bracket of "People who are more likely to accept a bribe to rob a bank". Um ya.... right. I understand I am a statistic, but if anyone would take two seconds to get to know me, they would immediately ascertain that I am not that type of person. When the phrase bank job come to mind, I think of Dane Cook and his bit about pulling a heist. The monkey would be the getaway driver. Oh well, they lost out on a great employee.

In other news I've gone over it a billion times in my head and I keep wondering how all this is going to work out. If I knew what exactly the traffic was going to do and at what time I would be home, it would all be a little easier. Unfortunately, I have to start the job and learn from experience. People are probably going to look at me funny when I walk in on the first day with a huge bag. It will have a pump, bottles, my snacks, lunch, and a few other necessities. I also have contemplated how I am going to make friends. At most of my other jobs, you make friends when you are able to talk to them on breaks and lunches. I wonder if they will think I'm that stuck up girl who never wants to hang out with the training class. Should I just come out and tell everyone I'm pumping? That could be a bit awkward. I've already talked to the woman that hired me about it. She says they have a beautiful area for me to pump and my choice of 5 fridges. Wow! How will I ever choose?

We received the 10 more diapers we ordered and laundry is a little easier now because more time passes between loads. I will tell you that the brand of diapers we are using is iCute. You can get 10 for $45 and no shipping cost on ebay. It is by far one of the best deals out there and I love them! They work really well.

I'm starting to get a bit anxious about going back to work. I am going to miss my babies so much. I wonder how Cole will do without me. He likes Anthony and Xyler but he loves to be with me. I know he'll get used to it, Anthony will have his hand(s) full for the first few days/weeks. He thinks that taking care of two boys will be easier than working. Haha. Boy, is he going to be surprised. *It's not as easy as you think* Taking care of Xyler, the errands, and the house was a lot before Cole came along. I wonder what he will do when both babies are crying at the same time. I'm sure I'll here all about it when I get home on Monday night. I'll let you know how he does. :D

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