Friday, August 12, 2011


Let's start the blog off with the worst part... the start. Andrew and Anthony have gone somewhere every night this week. Which means they have taken the keys out of my purse and they weren't there when I went to leave. This morning I didn't think to look until I got out to the car and was already leaving 3 minutes late. I had to come back in and look for the keys. I didn't get out of here until 6:55. "But, Rebecca, that's still an hour and 5 minutes to get to work on time!" Ya. I know. It's nowhere near enough time when there is an accident on Alameda (about half way to my work) and it's back up to 104th (my street) on I-25. I got to work at 8:03 and clocked in at 8:05. Because I left 10 minutes late, instead of taking me 45 minutes to get to work it took me an hour and 10 minutes. Imagine if I had left 10 minutes earlier, I wouldn't have been late. Thanks guys for putting the keys in my purse... *sarcasm*

From there the day did proceed to get better. I learned a bunch of new systems and understood all of them. I got done with all the exercises pretty fast. (before everyone else) I bet they're all thinking, "That Rebecca is such a show off." Hey, I can't help it if I'm intelligent and understand everything I'm learning and also happen to have a WPM of 80. Also, it doesn't hurt to have a working knowledge of almost everything Microsoft. In case all of you were wondering, the answer to your question is yes, I am an excellent "highlighter". :D There are some things in the computer/phone world I don't understand, but I am proud to admit it isn't a lot and it also probably has a lot to do with the fact that I haven't learned it yet. I am a quick learner and I'm glad they gave me the opportunity to show them. Okay, end of bragging about my knowledge.

And onto bragging about how much I pumped today! I pumped 10 ounces again and 5.5 of that was in the first break. For those of you having trouble pumping, I also figured out that if you change the position you are in sometimes you can get more. For instance, I sometimes slouch when I'm feeding my son, but when I pump I sit straight up. Well I slouched like I do when I feed Cole and tada: more breast milk. The clock in the "Mother's Room" (that I requested be put in there) was 3 minutes slow so I have been getting back from break late. I went in there at lunch and set it forward 3.5 minutes so I wouldn't be late anymore. I don't know if you've noticed but I hate being late. I have awesome news: I solved the blue bag mystery. Surprise! I opened it up and do you know what was in there?? It was just a pump. No scary, living, four year old breast milk. :D I am officially pumping an extra bag than my son eats every day! I'll have a back up stock again in no time. Now to increase my supply a little and we will be set! Happy pumping everybody and see you on Monday!

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