Friday, August 26, 2011

Fridays Are Overrated!

Today started off pretty good. Driving to work was awesome. We hit almost no traffic. I arrived at my CBs house early and she told me to come in. I was able to see the inside of her house and her girls. I have to say that her house looks bigger inside then from the front. It really is deceiving. We left for work and driving went pretty smoothly. You learn a lot about someone when you are in the car with them every day for an hour to and from work. Since we arrived at work a half an hour early again we forgot to clock in. Not that it matters that much but it's just funny that when you are late or on time all you can think about is clocking in and when you're early it's not even on your mind. We got to see what we will actually be doing with all the steps and systems open. We made blind calls to a bunch of numbers. It was funny. My CB was able to understand a man with a heavy Spanish accent and I thought he was talking a completely different language. Guess I have to brush up on my accents a little.

Pumping went well today. I pumped 9 oz on my first break, 4 on lunch and 3 on my last break. We got an hour lunch today so while I was pumping, my friends went to McDonald's and bought me 2 McDoubles. It's still outrageous that they charge an extra $.29 for a piece of cheese. Wendy's gives you it all for $.99. Anyway I was happy that I got another 16 oz today. I think I pump more at the end of the week than at the beginning. I forgot to see if the pumping in the dark helps me pump more. I got more than yesterday when I was in the dark so maybe it has something to do with the end of the week and being more consistent with it. I might try it on Monday. On Fridays I am a little more run down so I don't have the energy to think about that kind of stuff.

Cole had an appointment today and he ended up weighing 22.3 oz and is 28.5 inches. He is growing very nicely and he has only been drinking breast milk. He just started eating rice cereal when I went back to work. The doctor says that we should put him on a veggie or fruit every week now. So he will be eating rice cereal, a fruit/veggie and breast milk every day. They also said he is ahead in his development so I am very proud of him.

Xyler weighs 29 lbs and is 34.8 inches. Of course he is a lot more active than Cole so he has gone down in weight a little. They said that he is very active for a two year old and way ahead of most toddlers his age physically. He is right on track for his communication skills.

My drive home from work was a nightmare. We were paid today so I went to deposit my check in my bank and I then drove to the gas station. My card was denied both at the pump and inside twice. I called my husband and asked him to call our bank. My CB said lets go to a 7-11 to cash her check and the one we went to didn't have that capability. While I was waiting for Anthony to get back to me I figured I would just try to pump at 7-11 and sure enough it worked. When I called him he said he hadn't even gotten a hold of a live person yet. By the time we left Highlands Ranch it was 5:30 and I didn't get home until 7:00 pm. I'm worn out from my long day. I hope my direct deposit kicks in soon so I don't have to worry about that crap anymore. :D

Have a good weekend and I will see y'all on Monday!

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