Monday, July 25, 2011

Two Weeks To Go...

I went in to fill out paperwork today. I had to leave at 11:15 to get there in time. I breastfed Cole right before I left and according to my husband, Anthony, he slept the entire time I was gone. I fed him again right when I got home 2 hours later.

I had to take a drug test today. Even though I haven't done drugs and I know that there is no reason for me to worry, I still do. A part of me was nervous. I think, "What if some poppy seeds made it into my breakfast or something random like that could make me fail." It reminds me of the time I had to go apply for temporary medicaid and they needed to give me a pregnancy test at 8 months to make sure I was pregnant. I was afraid it was going to come back negative. O.o Why you say? I have a unnatural fear of failing tests. During both pregnancies I gained almost all my weight in my belly. One look at me and nobody would have questioned the results. I looked like I was smuggling a basketball, I could feel the baby kicking for months now, and yet I was still fearing the results of the test. Don't ask me to explain it because I can't. :)

My husband is a little disappointed because his laundry and cleaning duties are about to increase. We started using reusable cloth diapers and we have more laundry now. I said I would take on the task of washing them every couple days. Now that I have this job, I won't be able to keep up with it all by myself. *Just remember Dear, we are helping to save the environment* ^_^ We just ordered another 10 diapers so we will have a little more time in between washes.

I expect these next two weeks to be pretty much uneventful and calm. I probably need to start packing before I start my job because I won't have much time after that. I wonder how I will feel once I am juggling my work, my family, and breastfeeding. I will take lots of pictures to work with me. :D

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