Tuesday, August 16, 2011


I had a good 9 and a half hours of sleep last night. I was very awake and on time doing everything today. I arrived at work 7:30 am. Sometimes I want to take some time from the days that I am early and transfer it to the day that I am running late. Life would be a lot easier that way.

I pumped more today than I ever pumped at work. Are you ready for this? I pumped 13.5 oz. I was so surprised when I pumped 5 oz on both my first break and my lunch and then again when I pumped 3.5 on my second break. Unfortunately, though, one of the 3 oz bags had a hole in it that I didn't notice. It was at the top and it was a deformity in the seal (manufacturer fault). On the way home my insulated bag tipped over and the baggie spilled most of the milk. "Whoever said there is no use in crying over spilled milk, obviously never pumped 3 oz of liquid gold." Anthony told me not to worry about it because he says I'm ahead with our supply by a lot. I know that but it's still frustrating. I spend my breaks pumping food for my baby and it fills like one whole break just went to waste. I will just be more careful with my bag.

On the plus side I found someone to car pool with and we are going to split the gas cost 50/50. She lives about 40 blocks south of me so I will be driving to her house before getting on I-25 from now on. Hopefully, we can take the HOV lane. I get to pick her up at 6:45 tomorrow. We might be early, especially if we take the HOV lane. :D I'm looking forward to that.

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