Monday, July 25, 2011

Two Weeks To Go...

I went in to fill out paperwork today. I had to leave at 11:15 to get there in time. I breastfed Cole right before I left and according to my husband, Anthony, he slept the entire time I was gone. I fed him again right when I got home 2 hours later.

I had to take a drug test today. Even though I haven't done drugs and I know that there is no reason for me to worry, I still do. A part of me was nervous. I think, "What if some poppy seeds made it into my breakfast or something random like that could make me fail." It reminds me of the time I had to go apply for temporary medicaid and they needed to give me a pregnancy test at 8 months to make sure I was pregnant. I was afraid it was going to come back negative. O.o Why you say? I have a unnatural fear of failing tests. During both pregnancies I gained almost all my weight in my belly. One look at me and nobody would have questioned the results. I looked like I was smuggling a basketball, I could feel the baby kicking for months now, and yet I was still fearing the results of the test. Don't ask me to explain it because I can't. :)

My husband is a little disappointed because his laundry and cleaning duties are about to increase. We started using reusable cloth diapers and we have more laundry now. I said I would take on the task of washing them every couple days. Now that I have this job, I won't be able to keep up with it all by myself. *Just remember Dear, we are helping to save the environment* ^_^ We just ordered another 10 diapers so we will have a little more time in between washes.

I expect these next two weeks to be pretty much uneventful and calm. I probably need to start packing before I start my job because I won't have much time after that. I wonder how I will feel once I am juggling my work, my family, and breastfeeding. I will take lots of pictures to work with me. :D

Sunday, July 24, 2011

A Little History

My name is Rebecca. I am 26 years old. I have a wonderful husband named Anthony. Together we have two children, Xyler and Coltan. Xy is 2 years old and Cole is 6 months. We also have a "Fur Baby", a calico cat named Leila.

This is my first blog. I am still figuring all this out. ^_^ I read a lot of blogs, though, so I think this will be pretty easy.

I have been a "Stay at home Mom" for the past 2 years. Officially, I have only worked one paid day since 3 weeks before my first son was born. (There is a lovely pregnancy story that I will share later) Unofficially, I have been "working" since he was born. Kids are a full time, crazy, fun job. You never understand how much work goes into raising a child until they are upon you. I love it! My son is starting to talk in sentences and he is 75% understandable. He is also a destructive two year old, so some of his funny, childish happenings might make it into my blog as well as anything my 6 month old does. :D

2 years later, I am going back to work. I am starting a position that is 45 minutes away in light traffic. We will be moving down there in about 2-3 months, but until then I am stuck with the tedious task of fighting through the horrendous Denver traffic. After my 5 weeks of training I will be on a pretty good schedule where traffic won't be such a problem. 2pm-10:30pm. Both of those times are when traffic is usually light and easy flowing. However, during training my schedule is going to be 8am-4:30pm. Both times are smack dab in the middle of rush hour! Leaving early and coming home late might not be such a huge deal, but I am breastfeeding my 6 month old. I plan to feed him until he is at least a year old. I know that I will be able to pump while I am at work but what about coming home. I wonder if I should pump before I get in my car to drive home. I guess that will just come with experience. I start August 8, 2011. I will be going to fill out paperwork at 12:30 tomorrow.

I am so excited to be working again and to have an income to contribute, however, I am really sad I am leaving my children for so many hours a day. I know they will be okay without me while their father watches them, but I know they are going to miss me. I will probably miss them more. A huge part of me craves adult interaction, but my children are my world. This blog will be about my experiences with going to work while continuing breastfeeding and what it is like to be a working mommy.

Wish me luck!!