Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Win is for Wednesday!

Today was an awesome day. It was a little sad at first because I had to leave Cole and he was crying for me when I left. After that, though, it ended up getting better. I picked up my new carpool buddy and she told me to take I-70 to I-25 and I said I wanted to try something out. Last night I looked up US-36 and I-25 on the map and tried to see if you could get on the HOV lane from US-36. I couldn't get on the HOV lane from Google maps but it looked like it went to it so I hopped on US-36 and got into the very left lane. It exited onto a road that was all by itself and went under US-36 and around to I-25 and sure enough I ended up on the HOV (carpool) lane. We passed up at least 30 minutes of traffic and passed I-70 trying to merge with I-25 and it was a mess of cars. I was so happy that my plan worked out because we passed up all that traffic. We got to work 40 minutes early today and just sat and talked while we waited for class to start.

All of the exercises and reviews we did today I knew almost all of the answers for. We have our first assessment tomorrow. It's based on the systems and some of the basic terminology. I feel like I'm showing off sometimes because I know the answers to almost every questions she asks so I don't say all of the answers because I don't want to be that annoying girl who knows everything. It's so funny but so true. I've had people like that in some classes and I always find them annoying. Even when I know the answer.

Now to the good part. I pumped more today than ever before and I know I've said that before but this was awesome today. I pumped 15 oz today! 6 on my first break, 6 on my lunch, and 3 on my second break. The last break I was pumping in the room with another woman from my work. She is the one that I met going home last week. She had the Medela pump and was amazed at my First Years pump. She liked how neat and compact it was. We talked while we pumped and I found out that she uses her hour lunch in two shifts to pump. So she has two 30 minute pumping sessions and two 15 minute breaks that she doesn't pump on. I find a lot of people like to do it that way but I can do it in 15 minutes so I prefer the way I do it.

On our way home my buddy and I took I-25 to US-36 and we made it home about 30 minutes sooner than I usually do. I am liking this carpool thing. It's good for the environment, gas cost, and sanity! Happy Sailing!

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